Speakers to hang on to for LIFE

After 9 years with my Proac Response 3s, I recently decided to change speakers. As you can tell, I'm not an upgrade fever patient. I want something I can live with for years & I think the best advice I'm gonna get will be from those who have & are still living with their speakers for an extended period of time. Please tell me why too. Thanks.Bob.
I have had my Apogee Duetta Signatures since '87, I think. I even paid a ridiculous amount for bi-cabled Transparent Audio speaker cables to bring out the best in the Duettas. They lack the lowest bass, but I still get a satisfying buzz from my music when I listen to my Apogees.
I have owned Acoustic Energy 2 speakers(AE-2's) for the past 14 years. The decision was between thiel 3.5's and the AE-2's and the AE-2's one out. I purchased them with my then girl friend. She bought one, I bought the other if you can believe that. Yes were married now so the speakers where never "seperated". They have truely been a wonderful part of our lives. Currently, I am finally considering making a change. No, not a change in wives, speakers. Considerations are Merlin VSM's, Spendor....Its always fun. Happy listening fellow audiogoner's
I have had the same speakers since 1983. A pair of Dick Sequerra's Met7's with a Met8W. I paid $450 bucks for the set used. I know the Met7s have been improved on several times and I always consider upgrading or trying something new. But I am really satisfied with the imaging and neutral qualities (especially midrange) of these. With decent amplification, the Met8W really fills out the bottom nicely. Sure, the Met7s are inefficient (87db) and drop off a bit off axis, but from my favorite listening chair, they always put a smile on my face. If I really looked, I could probalby find something I like better, but I doubt it would be as good a bargain. And if I did get something else, I don't think I would let go of these.
I have had my Mirage M3 speakers for 14 years now and can't find anything better in my room for staging, depth, and fullness. The rest of the speakers sound like I am taking a shower, while the Mirages submerge me entirely in a liquidy abyss. I have Classe power that seems to compliment them the best. I have added the i tweeters and re-ran the wires with Kimber PBJ soldered directly to the drivers and boards with pure silver solder. If they ever come out with anything better, I will surely try. Z
My Dynaudio 1.3se's.
They are going in to the Bird's eye maple casket that I am purchasing.