Esoteric F-05 Integrated - any opinions?

I was wondering if anyone has heard the newly-released amp from Esoteric.  There does not seem to be any reviews on the internet (that I can find).
Ag insider logo xs@2xgreginnh
Hello greginnh,
I consider replaced my Lux 590MKII becouse of speakers (Thiel 3.6 - hard to drive)Lux are very nice colours but a little lack of dynamics.
Can you confirm that F05 is more dynamic and "alive" than Lux? And how about opinion that Esoteric sond is clinic and not musical?


I owned a Luxman L-590AX for a couple of years.  It is a great integrated amp.  Nothing like the sweet Class A sound!  I owned a few amps since that time so my opinion may not be spot on. The F05 is probably more dynamic than the Lux and maybe more alive but they both have different sonic characteristics.  I was very pleased with my F05 but "bit the bullet" and purchased an Accuphase E-600 which gives me the best of all worlds.  If my budget was <$10,000, I would definitely consider the F04 again.   The Thiels can be a bit of a challenge so synergy is important.  In-home trial would be a must IMO.
ok, Thanks
Basically you confirm what I thinking. E-600 is truly good amp but synergy with rest of the system is very important . E-600 can sound excellent but some times (wrong cabling for example) he sounding really poor - for that kind of money.I hope you are satisfied with it.
Anyway I will consider to buy F05 especially to find them in good price but unfortunelly from HongKong (guy name 2Juki) and I little afraid becouse its still a lot of money.
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