Vandersteen 5?

Hi All,

A relatively local shop has a used pair of Vandersteen 5s for sale. I was originally in the market for Nautilus 803s but these Vandersteens are just barely in the price range. I am guessing that they are older (I have no idea how old yet). The upgrade to Vandersteen 5a is way out of my price range. Would the original 5s be a nice speaker? Will I need to put much money into mantaining them (e.g., replace the subwoofer powersupply or replace the crossover's batteries)?

I have a Krell 400xi, VPI Scout, ZYX Yatra, Innersound Phono, a 14 x 16 dedicated music room where I usually play classic rock. My favorite stuff was a Class A Krell / Nautilus 802 setup that a friend owned (out of my price range). I am upgrading from Matrix 802s.


I don't think people change even though it's been 7 years, so I will add my 2 cents worth- I love his designs but Mr. Vandersteen is a total prick. The man has absolutely no people skills (at least on the phone; I have never met him in person). I've talked to him at least 3 or 4 times over the years, didn't ask for him but for some reason he picked up every time. Next time if he picks up again I am going to ask to speak to one of his techs instead. 
My experiences are vastly different.
Initially Dutch brusque and moments later friendly but direct.
When we owned 3a Sig and were going to be driving near Hanford on a trip my wife called factory and requested a tour.
In his Richard way he said we dont do tours. Not a lot of frosting.
( there is an excellent reason for this )
But he invited us over to his house to listen to 7's..for something like 3 hours..... Like a kid in a candy store....spinning music we both love
He recommended a dealer (Optimal) and I bought the owners pair of 5A in Rosewood. Eventually he visited our house ( to check my setup skills ha!!!)
We now own a pair of 7 mk2 and will get the amps also.
He reaches out to me every month to talk shop, make sure I am happy and to talk about advanced manufacturing and airplanes.

Wow, Richard VAndesteen will give you as much time as you need to help you out.  He has a passion rarely seen in any business.  He is GREAT at his live events. Opinionated?  Of course he is.  Just like any great designer.  I've been blessed to meet so many Vandy owners, just like Tomic.  Richard is open minded and will listen to his customers.  It may take him time to process and come to new conclusions, but the fact it he will.  He is a large presence physically and vocally.  He has that deep voice that can be overbearing for some I believe.  That takes nothing away from him wanting everyone to be happy and love their music.  

He's also a business man who needs to make money.  Not everyone will have chemistry with each other and that's OK too.  If you purchase a pair of his speakers and need help, you should be going through your dealer first anyways, but he has the Ask Richard board on his site and that's one great resource.  He's honest as the day is long and for me, that's the most important thing.  JMHO that I feel Richard is a great person.