Audience Au24 SX Speaker Cable Impressions, VS?

I’m considering new speaker cabling and the Audience Au24 SX is one option.

I’m evaluating it via The Cable Company’s Lending Library Program. They just went into my system and have about 24 hours on them.

Reaching out to Owners of the Au24 SXs or those that have compared or demoed them.

Looking for your thoughts and impressions. Pros and cons? Other options you considered and what led you to perhaps make another choice?

Thank you!
Ag insider logo xs@2xdavid_ten
Very informative david_ten

I have not heard the newer versions of Audience since the "e" series.
I thought that those cables and cords (10 years ago) were fine indeed.

Happy Listening!
The Mikros seem to be neutral and get out of the way.  Their fragile build is something to consider though.  They are definitely on the far end of the "minimalist" cable school of thought.

The SX XLRs were good, but not a big enough improvement over what I was using to justify the price difference...  although I may not have had them long enough to settle in properly.
@david_ten aren't you using Cardas Clear Reflection's? I seem to recall you answering a post.

If so how do the Audience SX's compare?
@mikey8811 :  I went with the Audience Au24 SX speaker cables.

I have the Cardas Clear Reflection XLRs between my DAC and Preamp and between the Preamp and Amplifier.

I did not compare the SX ICs since I'm very satisfied with the Clear Reflections.
@jafant : The ’major’ reviews of the SX line-up all mention the SX being a significant step up from the SEs..therefore likely even more so from the Es (I’m guessing here) since these cables are my first ever exposure to Audience cables.