Eminent Technology LFT-8b in Harry's system

I recently signed up for the V.P.I. Industries newsletter, and today received my first such. In it, Harry Weisfeld reviews a Grado phono cartridge, but this post concerns one of the speakers he listed as being those he uses to listen to music and evaluate recordings through. All but one are traditional dynamic cones/domes in a box designs, only one being a planar/dipole. That planar is the Eminent Technology LFT-8b. I'm pretty sure Harry could, if he so chose, have instead as his sole planar a pair of $6000 Magneplanar MG 3.7i's, or even $14,000 20.7's. But nope, he instead chose the $2500 ET LFT-8b, imo the greatest value in a loudspeaker on the market. I compared it to the 1.7i, and the difference was dramatic.
As does ET’s Bruce Thigpen! His TRW-17 Rotary Woofer is the product of a very creative and talented designer, unlike anything else in the field of audio engineering. Brilliant, I tells ya! There’s a guy over on the Planar Speaker Asylum who augments his Martin-Logan ELS speakers with Magneplanar Tympani-IV bass panels as woofers, with the TRW-17 as a sub. Now THAT’s a full-range system---flat to 0 Hz, at 120dB!
I bought a pair of Eminent Technology LFT-8B speakers last December.  Fantastic sound and a great price.  I actually chose them over Sonus Farber after a demo.  I was prepared to drop $16K or so and was happy to realize it was not required to get great sound.

My preamp is a McIntosh C2300, amp is McIntosh MC402.  ALso have a REL sub.  Great sound.  
I seem to recall a comment from HW somewhere on the intertubes in which he expressed amazement at the fact that Eminent could offer the LFT-8b for 2500$. A lot of value there - I'd like to try a pair some day.