Stay away from the nad

Yesterday the right channel on my NAD C356 went bad just three months after the warranty expired.  75% of the sound shifted to the left. Just out of curiosity, did anyone had a similar problem? I contacted an authorized service center and their estimate was $400.00???
Anyhow, on Monday I will order Accuphase E-270 to put the end to the search for an Integrated amplifier.

What I can find on the PSB Synchrony  One bookshelf is that it is a 4 ohm speaker that dips to below 3 ohms at some frequencies.  I'm sure it'll be fine with the Accuphase.  
As per PSB Specifications It's 6 Ohms nominal, 4 Ohms minimum.
You actually posted Specs. for the Synchrony One but towers. They dip down to 2.6 Ohms.


I always wanted to demo Accuphase gear. Whom is your dealer/retailer?

Happy Listening!
Maybe use a credit card,so you get an extended warranty.Most credit cards add 1 year to manufacturer's warranty and some add 2 years.So,you could have had a 3 year warranty.Maybe next time.$400 is crazy for that repair.I would say about $75 max.That's what I would charge and still make good profit.
I've found NAD to be Not Always Dependable. My T758 was bought as a refurbished, and 6 months out of warranty the DSP portion of the AM100 module failed. Thankfully my dealer had a used trade-in AM100 from a customer who updated to a newer version, and I got it a lot cheaper than the $400 price of a new one. To put $400 into a 1-1/2 year old $700 receiver would be a non-starter for me. I don't really trust this unit, but I'm stuck with it for a while.