Fix or replace Accuphase DC 91 DAC?

One channel coming out of the Accuphase is suddenly badly distorted. With a qualified audio guy, we did everything possible to narrow the problem down to the DAC.

I do love the Accuphase and will probably fix it but before I do, I thought I'd post to hear any opinions on options such as replacing it.

I am using it with a Shindo preamp and CJ Premier 140 amp.

Cost for repair would be $1500 plus shipping.

Thank you in advance


16 x PCM63P-K – SM5842AP

This one of the great R2R multibit dacs, that does justice to Redbook .
 I'd buy it off you if you were in Australia.

Or you'll have to purchase an old cdp on ebay to get hold of a PCM-63 chip if one of them is playing up.

Here is a list of cheaper players that used them, there are many many more very expensive ones, but just get a cheap one for the part.
Creek DAC-60
Monarchy Audio Model 22, 22A, 22B, 22C, 24 and  33
Parasound 1500 and 1600
Pioneer PD73, PD93

Cheers George

definitely worth repair but not $1500. $1500 is definitely inflated price and you must shop around. accuphase equipment does not drop value just like mcintosh. 
I agree and I spent time today swapping cards in the unit and seem to have determined (as George suggested) that it most likely is a defective BB PCM63 chip. 

Thanks for the response!