Anyone Using Crystals?

Are any members using crystals in their systems? If so, how are you using them to get good results?
Hello to all,

Yes i use stones and crytals in my system and room... In the beginning i have read about some people who sell that, Walker, Bybee, Geoff Kait, acoustic revive etc... I dont had money to buy that and i dont had initial trust or experience with crystals...It is like astrology, i dont had faith in that, like professional pseudo scientist, or like people who pay for their future,by the way because i am curious with no faith, nor negative faith neither positive one, i read approx. one hundred books about astrology occidental and indian one,in the last 40 years, to make my OWN opinion,but this is another story...Back to crystals and stones, i make the same study and experiment myself, and amazingly that works for me, i treat my room with that,and all my system with great benefits... It is not perfect, very rudimentary but it work on a unexpected level... I had try dozens of stones and crystals looking for the good one...I only say to people, inform yourself, experiment, dont buy anything to anyone before experimenting, for the last year that was great fun, and my one thousand dollars system all in all give me so great joys that i am no more envious of the ten thousand dollars system of others, mine is perhaps less efficient, but music when it is there is music, and i have it now at a relatively low cost, (Mission cyrus 181 speakers,beresford bushmaster dac, Sansui au-7700, with cheap room treatment of my own+stones and crystals implemented by me) ... Best regards to all...

postscriptum: By the way invoking science is in no way a good excuse to repudiate personal experimentation;and all scientific explanation by the sellers about the use of crystals and stones are probably bogus,but waiting a new sound scientific theory of acoustic before experimenting is ridiculous to say the least....

What kinds of crystals -- and size -- are you using? And where are you using them in your system?
I had try many, but the most effective materials coupling implicate, pink quartz, tourmaline red green and black chunks, madagascar banded agate polished chunks varied in size, shungite ordinary peebles or elite,fluorite crystals,amethysts crystals or peebles, small lava beads, many other species also, but i speak now only of the most useful one and you must experiment one pieces at a time, because all rooms and all systems are different... I place them often with blutaks in ALL links, going from the electrical central panels first ,to the speakers and headphones, with all links in between treated one at a each time... Some placement are incredible, for example using some metal bowls on the walls at ear level with some crystals in their center to treat the radiating room....I dont have much money, i use low cost solutions... The final results kills my urge to change and buy,so-call upgraditis...I now know why people are not satisfied by their sometimes already good listening system, they lack something they cannot pin-point...My system is not the best, only a simple one with optimal results,with now first and foremost ethereal imaging,and naturalness of musical timbre... It takes me some years of reading here and there, buying very good vintage at small price,after that in the last months, crystals and stones maximalized all their potentials...I am in a small room in nearfield listening but the room treatment with low cost materials(different density foam panels and pieces) was very efficient and imperative, i improvise that one thing at a time with my hearing tools(ears) only...Crystals and stones after that transform the soundstage imaging of my headphones and speakers and of the room...I am no more envious of out of reach audiophile costly products, and i listen to my music...i wish you the best...
I must add something tough, controlling vibrations and negative subsequent resonance seems to my ears very important, in all links there is some negative vibrations, and damping or cancelling them is vital, i use different materials with load, sorbothane,cork, bamboo plate, granite plate etc...the other important task was cancelling EMI with stones and crystals...I dont know any convincing explanation for that, but with stones and crystals that works... Best regards
I realize the idea of RFI/EMI absorption or dissipation using crystals has been bandied around a lot but actually I find that - in almost almost all cases - the method of operation is vibration control. It doesn’t make sense that crystals react one way or the other to RFI/EMI since RF is moving at light speed and is all around the room simultaneously, so the idea that a crystal or crystals can influence a room full of RFI/EMI is a little far fetched. Crystals are not magnets for RFI/EMI. Even when crystals are used in proximity to electron tubes or wall outlets or the circuit breaker box the method of operation is most likely vibration control, not RFI/EMI absorption, although I can see why some might think so.

This mechanism of crystals to control vibration can be easily demonstrated by placing my crystals on top of tube traps and other similar devices, allowing those devices to operate more efficiently. Also on glass windows and sliding glass doors. I always find its best not to constrain or suppress the natural operation of crystals as resonantors using Blu tack or similar materials rather let the crystals touch whatever you place them on unencumbered and free to resonate.
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