Oppo UDP - 205


Would just like to point out, given your concern with the DAC, that the Sabre ES9038PRO is also used in a $9,000 Ayre component, and I do not believe (although perhaps I'm mistaken) it is implemented any differently than the $1,300 Oppo. Again, no disrespect, just pointing it out.



10K for a Dac using of the Shelf Chips?

maybe look into Playback Design Merlot Dac, It runs circles arround my Oppo 205.
Hi Jeffrey and gdhal,

I in no way intended to cast any dispersion on the Sabre DACs. Probably as good as any and better than most. There are also other great DAC chips (AKM used in Esoteric and Hegel products and TI/Burr Brown used in some top DACs) and also the RTR ladder DACs that many prefer. IMO, it’s all about implementation.

All things inside an audio component affect the sound quality: DACS, power components, caps and other passive components, opamps, circuit boards, wiring, chassis, etc. The Oppo is a fine multi-channel/video player, but built to a price point. Considering all of its functionality (the "swiss army knife of digital audio/video"), Oppo has done a fantastic job of maximizing performance for $1300. BUT, keeping it real, cost has to have prohibited their use of some critical non-DAC components that are used in the better (and usually more expensive) stand-alone two-channel purpose-driven offerings. If you have doubts about that, maybe call Ric Schultz of EVS who mods the Sonica DAC and discuss this with him as I have.

Jeffrey: There are those that are implementing the same Sabre DACs as used in the Oppo 205 in a dual-mono configuration to reduce crosstalk between the channels and for other reasons. Some are operating them at a higher "bias" that is not possible with both channels driven through one DAC chip, partially due to the heat generated by this approach. L.K.S. is one that I am familiar with.

gdgal: No disrespect to you either, but are you serious? I can assure you that the implementation of the Sabre DAC in the $9k Ayre unit is much different than the Oppo 205/Sonica DAC. Ayre has risen to the top tier of audio by optimizing the entirety of design and implementation. Why would anyone buy a $9k digital component vs a $1300 one that has much more functionality. Because it sounds better.

Why would anyone buy a $9k digital component vs a $1300 one that has much more functionality.

No argument here and I get your point. In fact, you are likely entirely if not at least partially correct. However, I’d like to offer another *possible* answer; because the $9K unit is WAY over priced to begin with given the manufacturers desire/need to profit exorbitantly and a result of their WAY lower sales volume relative to Oppo.

Won't argue value with you gdhal.  The 205 is an excellent value for those with combined audio/video systems.
