Fuses fuses fuses

Ok, this is about fuses

1- a standard Bussman fuse is UL approved. Are any "high end" fuses UL approved?

2- do any component manufacturers supply their gear with any of the usual suspects of high end fuses as opposed to a standard Bussman?

3- let's say fuses do make a difference. Given incoming power is AC, why could fuses be directional? 

Not meaning to light any fires here- 

thanks in advance 
Maybe it should be moved to a new forum heading for things like this, called "Things we can't explain"

Well, at least "Things you and Al can't explain," anyway.

Hello Bob.

There are fuses that are made to be soldered in, they look like resistors, and don't cost much. I use them on conservatively rated power supplies for exactly this reason. You can buy them from DigiKey - search for fuses, 'through hole' under the column 'mounting type'. I think the smallest they sell is 1/16 amp, the biggest is 20 or so.

If you don't blow fuses much, it's a good solution.
There are fuses that are made to be soldered in, they look like resistors, and don't cost much. I use them on conservatively rated power supplies for exactly this reason.
+1 voodoo free

But you really need to make sure they are Cryo'ed and in the right way around. goo.gl/Y3ENpJ

Cheers George
Here is my dilemma: I notice that with the SR Black & Red which i have on most of my equipment; I have one in the amp, preamp and cd player. Man... ever so often these fuses would blow out on me. Should i up the rating say from a 4 amp to 5 amp?   Also, in regards to warranty, are the fuses cover under a 5 years warranty from Synergistic ( according to their website). I went and did a search but it only mentioned other accessories but not fuses. Any members who had the same experiences with warranty would want to help me out on this?   I did call them and they stated that it's only a 30 days warranty. I am out of luck? I am not too happy with their customer services!

Theory is when you know everything and nothing works  

Practice is when everything works but nobody knows why  

Apparently in this thread Theory and Practice are combined ... nothing works and nobody knows why    ;-(

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