Most Beautiful Receiver / Integrated - Ever was... ?

Time for what I hope is another fun thread. Please include links if you can.

I'm curious to everyone what you think the hottest/sexiest most interesting integrated or receiver ever was. For me, brands like these would probably be in the running:

  • Carver
  • Kyocera
  • Tandberg
  • Revox (old)

It didn't have to work, or sound good. Just had to do it for you in the looks department.
On looks (build quality is also amazing, feature set is complete and sonic abilities are great) this unit does it me, and is my current integrated. I consider myself a lucky guy. Just beautiful, and symbolizes for me the meaning of "back to having fun with music and audio gear’’, with a retro twist. After 30+ years of boutique, one-knob amps, preamps and integrateds (most pretty high quality, ss and tubes), this integrated is part Wurlitzer jukebox and part Jaguar E-Type  rolled into one to get your heart racing. And the return of true quality tone controls is heaven-sent.

Sansui was way cool had one i got in Viet Nam with JBL 88s lets rock out dude!!!!!!
Got the JBLs stateside originally came home with Sansui speakers and now have Magico go figure. Its a great hobby however i still love live music  Just saw David Allen Coe last night he is still great at 78 yrs old.Be well brother Schubert.