Speakers to hang on to for LIFE

After 9 years with my Proac Response 3s, I recently decided to change speakers. As you can tell, I'm not an upgrade fever patient. I want something I can live with for years & I think the best advice I'm gonna get will be from those who have & are still living with their speakers for an extended period of time. Please tell me why too. Thanks.Bob.
My Reference 3A de Capo i's. I have a feeling I'll hang on to them for quite some time. I only just got them a few weeks ago and already they seem comfortable and graceful as an old leather jacket.
I responded to the "Best ever heard" thread and this is in line with my new loudspeakers. I wanted to buy the "possibly" last loudspeakers that I would ever own. That meant that they had to be far better than my Def Tech BP2000 CRL3000 7.2 system. They had to be much better than Golden Ear, Martin Logan's and or the "Brick and Mortar" stores idea of high end. Made in China with a very high end brand name on it. Two weeks ago I received my Tekton Design's Pendragons. Hand Made in USA. Took 6-8 weeks to get. I am thrilled to the bone. They exceeded my expectations. I do not even have my new cables yet. They are just getting "broken in". Every day they open up a little more like a giant "sunflower". I am not talking about the sub woofers when I say that I not only hear a "live performance" I feel the performance.
The other best part is I could afford them. They do not cost more than what I just listed above. I am sure that I could not spend 4 to 5 times more than what I spent and get anything that sounds better.
Another vote for Von Schweikert VR5 HSE's (see 12/30/12 Lneilb). After almost a decade with these beauties, they have stood the test of time. Always supremely gratifying -- never annoying. Sometimes I look up and imply say: Wow! Thiose speakers are really good!


I just had the fortune to purchase a 1975 bronze pair of totally original Quad ESLs, from the son of a man who had hung on to them for life. He was going through some lean times and hated to sell them. I paid what he asked, and told him "Hats off to your father."

They are not even dusty. The grills are perfect, and are beautiful, with fascinatingly varied colors and textures in different lighting.

They charge up astonishingly quickly. My '81 black pair takes days to have good treble, and will be overhauled. (Kinda like motorcycles - gotta have a spare for when one is in the shop ;)

His father's (brother?) had bought three pair new in England and given him one pair. He only played classical music, at moderate volume. After I got them home, I found them set for 240 volts, perhaps running all that time - 38 years - at half charge. Talk about babied !!

They will pass on to a new owner when I pass on myself, hopefully after many, many happy hours of listening...