Fuses fuses fuses

Ok, this is about fuses

1- a standard Bussman fuse is UL approved. Are any "high end" fuses UL approved?

2- do any component manufacturers supply their gear with any of the usual suspects of high end fuses as opposed to a standard Bussman?

3- let's say fuses do make a difference. Given incoming power is AC, why could fuses be directional? 

Not meaning to light any fires here- 

thanks in advance 
I’ve already wrapped up the Nobel Prize for Patience. Al might be in the running for the Density prize however. That one’s a very close race, though, Al and Atmosphere are neck and neck. Listen, all kidding aside, this is not rocket science. If you doubt small differences in resistance for fuses are audible, then I suggest you roll up your sleeves and get to work on something you might understand better than fuses - cables. That’s right cables.

Since all wire is directional, cable are directional, too, right? As far as I can tell no one has signed in and refuted that so I guessing one of the usual jokers must be thinking to himself, gee, I don’t know, what if he’s right? All you need to do is measure the difference in resistance of any unshielded cable, measuring from end A to end B and then vice versa - speaker cable, interconnect, whatever. Could be Radio Shack, I don't care. Anti Cables speaker cables would be a good candidate since they’re something everyone can understand and everyone can see, since they’re not shielded or covered with a jacket. See how simple I’m making it? Now, you tell me, is there a difference in resistance one way to the other. Final exam: what does that difference mean? Extra credit: are the Arrows on Anti Cables there just to lure gullible audiophiles?

Let's give the naysayers a moment to reload.

Smoke if ya got em.

🍰 🍦 🍺 🍧 🌭

Yeah, Roger Modjeski (and Ralph Karsten) are deaf. Amazing how they can, in spite of that, design and build such good sounding electronics (and in the case of Modjeski, ESL loudspeakers). Beethoven incarnate! And you, Geoff, you have designed and built what amplification circuits? Such hubris!
bdp242,496 postsYeah, Roger Modjeski (and Ralph Karsten) are deaf. Amazing how they can, in spite of that, design and build such good sounding electronics (and in the case of Modjeski, ESL loudspeakers). Beethoven incarnate! And you, Geoff, you have designed and built what amplification circuits? Such hubris!

+5,000  bdp24  had to look it up though

  1. "synonyms:arrogance, conceit, conceitedness, haughtiness, pride, vanity, self-importance, self-conceit, pomposity, superciliousness, feeling of superiority; hauteur; informaluppitiness, big-headedness"the self-assuring hubris among economists was shaken in the late 1960s"

Cheers George