Fuses fuses fuses

Ok, this is about fuses

1- a standard Bussman fuse is UL approved. Are any "high end" fuses UL approved?

2- do any component manufacturers supply their gear with any of the usual suspects of high end fuses as opposed to a standard Bussman?

3- let's say fuses do make a difference. Given incoming power is AC, why could fuses be directional? 

Not meaning to light any fires here- 

thanks in advance 
bdp242,496 postsYeah, Roger Modjeski (and Ralph Karsten) are deaf. Amazing how they can, in spite of that, design and build such good sounding electronics (and in the case of Modjeski, ESL loudspeakers). Beethoven incarnate! And you, Geoff, you have designed and built what amplification circuits? Such hubris!

+5,000  bdp24  had to look it up though

  1. "synonyms:arrogance, conceit, conceitedness, haughtiness, pride, vanity, self-importance, self-conceit, pomposity, superciliousness, feeling of superiority; hauteur; informaluppitiness, big-headedness"the self-assuring hubris among economists was shaken in the late 1960s"

Cheers George
bdp24 and reubent - sorry, fellers, you’re following the wrong sheep. Exhibit A, the page on wire directionality on the Audioquest website, is linked below. Read em and weep.


"In one direction, the music will sound relatively flat and a little grainy, as though being forced through a screen door. In the opposite direction, the obstruction is removed and music will be communicated with a natural ease, depth, and an open invitation to pleasure. When presented with a cable whose conductors have been controlled for the correct low-noise directionality, a listener feels a sense of comfort and relief: Ahh…Music!"

See the entire article here,


Who ya gonna believe, a few hearing impaired renegades and naysayers or the head of the most successful high end cable company in history?

If the glove doesn’t fit you must acquit. 😀


How did I get lumped in with anyone? I did not specify who I was with when I said "I'm with you fellers"....

It's a movie reference (and a joke) and it's meant to be ambiguous.....
You were in the wrong place at the wrong time, dude. That’s also a movie reference.