Another preamp suggestion thread for my Kharma/Mac combo

After having recently introduced a turntable into my rig (RP6 w/Dyn10x5) and ditched my digital preamp as a result I am in the market for a preamp that will work with my MC352 amp driving a pair of Kharma FE3.2.2 speakers. I'm looking to spend under $5K (new or used) and was originally thinking tubed (to go w/ SS amp) but I'm open to SS as well. The list of some considerations are below.  What are your thoughts?

Rogue RP5 (auditioned. thought the midrange a little too smooth but the soundstage was pretty awesome. no balanced in or out and the same remote codes as my Auralic Vega DAC = bummer)
Pass XP20
Cary SLP05
BAT (VK51?)
Modwright 36.5

The Atma-Sphere MP-3 might suit the bill and you can likely find a used one for less than that. Its all-tube, fully balanced and differential, has a direct-coupled output and can drive long cables easily. Plus it does not matter if the amp is tube or solid state.

From the ones mentioned I would pick the XP-20 for solid state,and for tube you might look at the Atma-Sphere MP-3.

Best of luck,
Thanks for the feedback folks. The one thing I forgot to mention as a requirement: I'm a lazy bastard who wont get out of my armchair and walk to the other side of the room to adjust volume so remote volume is a must. I don't think the Atma-Sphere has remote volume :(. Also open to suggestions on cartridge upgrades!

