Getting an outlet to grip better..

Greetings from Oregon,

i have an "audiophile" outlet that I installed recently.  It sounds good, but the "grip" of the outlet is very weak.  Any power cord used with it just sort of hangs there precariously.  Not good for sound or for my gear if the cord slips out of the outlet.  Any suggestions for improving the grip?  

Thanks, Scott
You can't really fix lack of grip.  It's a sign of poor design/craftsmanship.  Agreed that you should look into something from Furutech depending on your budget.
Pass and Seymour MRI grade outlets grip like a vice - even after many extractions

You can get cryo'd versions from Take Five audio

They are the only outlets I will use - much more affordable than the audiophile boutique brands 

I'm sure it's just a one-off manufacturing defect, as the outlet (Maestro) is well respected and well reviewed.  The bottom plug actually grips reasonably well, but the top is very loose.   

The Furutech looks very nice.  May give that a try after I check out some reviews/discussion of it.  Will check into the Edison as well.  

Thanks for the suggestions, everyone!