Interesting article on audiophiles and audiophilia

Smell and sound are more archaic than visual image. I know that some do translate music into colours and visual images, I don't as far as I know.
Smell and sound is an interesting combination. For a lot of systems I've gone out of my way to hear the sound stinks.  💩 💩

I've noticed there is a type of person that pursues hobbies that can never be perfected. Me, for example. I drag race cars. You can never run a zero pass. I play golf. Not going to shoot an 18. I cycle. No century ride in one second. You can always go faster. My wife says my hobby is collecting hobbies and there are more. But you get the drift. Our stereos are never good enough and never will be. Now, are we perfectionists, suffer from OCD or are we simply masochists? Pick the two that fit you the best. :-)

Thanks for posting, Simao. Well-written and sympathetic. It articulates so many aspects of the "hobby". Despite dubious personal credentials, pleased to have dealings with other bona fide members of the "tribe" from my dwelling in the low rent outskirts.