Interesting article on audiophiles and audiophilia

Thanks for posting, Simao. Well-written and sympathetic. It articulates so many aspects of the "hobby". Despite dubious personal credentials, pleased to have dealings with other bona fide members of the "tribe" from my dwelling in the low rent outskirts.
Thank you very much for posting this....makes me understand the 'public' better. Fun, and in many ways true. Yes., like many of us, we would custom build our room too.
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Hey, look on the bright side, y'all... if it draws more ears into 'the hobby' (or 'quest', if you prefer...), then let's give it a plus, a nod, and move on.  

One could wine over the plethora of Bluetooth'd widgets that make music more 'accessible' vs. "Hey kids!  Here's what it's SUPPOSED TO SOUND LIKE!"   Maybe some new interest (not to mention mere cash) will inject and infect the situation the 'state of the art' is in.

Being blunt, which I'm good at...we got 'into audio' when it was Affordable.  Since then, it's gone stratospheric with regards to pricing and the apparent 'exclusivity' of items that can only be appreciated by those who've been 'in the mix' for a long time.

Now....the latter is OK by me.  I can't afford to play at those levels, but I can appreciate one's drive to attain personal perfection.  But if an article like that can trigger a certain level of interest in trying to improve one's reproduction of the medium, well, way cool...;)  LP's are enjoying a renaissance, and who knows where that'll lead....

Affordable Good Audio is a 'taste thing'.  One's trash is another's Nirvana at ear-splitting volumes. *L*  And most of us can relate to that....;)