Tekton Double Impact & Comb Filtering

Like many of you, I have been pondering purchasing these speakers but am very curious about the unusual tweeter array. I asked the smartest speaker person that I know (he is a student of Sean Olive) about the design and below is what he had to say.   

"In theory it could work, but the driver spacing means that the crossover point would need to be very low.
He is using the SB acoustics tweeter which is 72mm in diameter, center to center on the outside opposing drivers is around 5.7 inches, which is about 2400Hz. This means that combing would stop between 1/4 to 1/2 of the wavelength (between 1200-600Hz) is where the outside tweeters should start playing nice with each other.
Since he is not using low enough crossover points he has created a comb filtering monster. Now while it's not the great point source that was promised, it's no worse than most line arrays and the combing will average itself out given enough listening distance.

The MTM spacing on the other hand is ridiculous. Hopefully he is cutting the top end off on one of those midrange drivers to avoid combing."

Why do normally reasonable people want to hate this speaker when they have never been in the same room with it. Then ignore the fact, 99% of the people who have heard it and/or now own it, absolutely love it? Is it the fact the haters own expensive speakers and the thought that something in this price range is so good, it cuts into their systems' "exclusivity". Are they audio snobs? Wow, I really hope not.
Can you help us better understand how your expert friend is testing and measuring the DI speaker? I am sure he must have a pair to take measurements of. Did he actually precisely measure all the details he is talking about? I assume he has the crossovers in hand and knows the precise workings and design of it.
Grannyring - I am not a speaker designer nor an engineer. My source knows the tweeter used as well as the spacing of the tweeters and box. It appears that he is using math to calculate the comb filtering. If someone can explain why there would be no comb filtering or how he solved that particular problem, I would love to hear.
It has been explained and actually tested by me,the DI's are not intended to be a near field speaker that should be obvious to any reasonably experienced audiophile.But they actually surprised me in sound quality at 6 feet away,I normally set 10ft away in my room.

Out of respect for Eric and other designers of speakers and other components I don't like to publish measurements or crossover points and design,so I will only say so much.

You guys would be surprised in how some highly regarded and expensive speakers actually measure in room.

It has been explained and actually tested by me,the DI's are not intended to be a near field speaker that should be obvious to any reasonably experienced audiophile.But they actually surprised me in sound quality at 6 feet away,I normally set 10ft away in my room.

Out of respect for Eric and other designers of speakers and other components I don't like to publish measurements or crossover points and design,so I will only say so much.

You guys would be surprised in how some highly regarded and expensive speakers actually measure in room.

Ok, he does not have a pair to measure the actual driver distances, determine crossover points, test response, etc.... I guess he is looking at pictures..LOL!

Please own up to the fact that your post is mere speculation and irresponsible at best.