What's been your turntable ownership over the years?

Dual 1225
B&O RX with MMC5 cartridge
Denon DP-59L 
Rega Planar 3
Kenwood KD5070
Harman Kardon T45
Thorens TD-125 mk II w/Rega RB303 arm
Dual CS5000 1986
AR ES-1 1990
Systemdek X 1992
Out of analog
Back to analog
VPI Classic 1 2007
VPI Classic 3 2010
Merrill Williams 101.2 2014
VPI HR-X 2015
Oracle Delphi MK VI/SME V 2016

BSR with ceramic cart 1973
Bogen (cobbled together with Shure M44E)
AR (1st model) with Shure V15 type II
Yamaha P350 Nagatronics MM, then Ortofon OM10, Grado Prestige Green, AT???
Music Hall MMF5  Denon 301 MC, Clearaudio MC

Linn Axis, basic arm, blue pt special cartridge. In the 70's
Linn Lp 12, added Sondek, tried Benz cart, got a used Lyra titan 80's
Michel gyro, added Orbe platter, Graham 1.5 arm (still have this) 
    several phono preamps, recently upgraded to Lehman Decade.
    last year had my Lyra retipped by Soundstream (wonderful for the     price)
    First Sound preamp, VTL mb 185 amps, Innersound Eros         speakers (have had these for many years) I'm 74 and will probably stay with this system the next 10 or more years (if I live that long).
I was raised on radio and records.  When the CD and digital music came about in the early to mid 80s, I went forward with that and never looked back.  I get that the turntable and records can, together, can constitute a musical experience (especially for old guys like me) but don't kid yourself into thinking that analog music reproduction can ever compete with Redbook or better.

So my turntable ownership since around 1991 is zero.  Just like film...some want it to still be better...but it just can't be.