Oppo UDP - 205

I bought Oppo Sonica DAC couple months ago and as long as I use preamp and not the volume control of the DAC, it sounds very fine. Software is also very easy to use. I use Cat8 Ethernet cable into the DAC and that improved the performance by a magnitude.
i don't have 205 to compare.
Thx gdhal and giri!  I am looking forward to receive my Oppo 205 on Tuesday.
lancelock is probably right about the Modwright mod improving the sound quality of the 205. But if you add the cost of the mod to the cost of the player, it is getting close to the PS Direct Stream territory.

If the PS Dac is a 10 then the 205 in stock form would be about a 6. 

I didn't buy the Oppo 205 for 2 channel listening since I already owned the PS Audio Dac. I bought it to play 4K movies and to record the Hi-Rez audio from Blu ray concerts to my external hard drive



You are absolutely right on the price for the mod version.  I would be happy to take the 205 if you give it a 6 (trust your ears buddy:)).  Consider the price of the 205 compare it to the PSA DS.  Thx again.


How do you use the 205 to record hi-rez audio from Blu-ray concerts to an external hard drive?
