Talon Khorus with no soundstage?

Recently I've been auditioning a system that consists of all Electrocompaniet components and Talon Khorus speakers.
The amplifiers are a pair of AW180MBs.

It seemed that the sound was residing inside speaker cabinets and did not go outside. It's like you place one part of orchestra or band inside one speaker cabinet and another part into another cabinet and let them play.

The rest of auditioned components are: EMC-1, EC4.7
I did not pay attention to interconnects and tweaks but if my eye doesn't lie I saw Nordost Valhalla as a speaker cable.

I'm not a pro in accoustics but the only thing I know that original soud wave travels to our ear before the reflected one. That's why I think that soundstage in %$16k speaker must be present even in the wrong room.

Can it be other components?
Please, share your thoughts.
I own peregrine X speakers and they are some of the most open sounding (if not the most open) i have ever heard. Maybe they were not fully broken in yet? I dont know... also the source components you heard are a bit better than mine as well. I dont know why they sounded bad, its worth another audition, but trust me the hype is true. Unbelievable products from talon....
Dont underestimate the room. It is as important as the speakers themselves. Maybe even the placement of the speakers? I have never heard the speakers you have mentioned but I have never not been able to get a pair of speakers to image well.
While not having heard these speakers, I can relate to you that I heard a pair of the $22,000 Sonus Faber Amati Heritages sound worse than a boombox, thin and as though one speaker was not connected, being driven by top of the line Krell electronics at a local dealer. The sole culprit was a sonically terrible, small room which had reflections everywhere and could not hold any bass due to its flimsy construction. Possible that it was the culprit in your case? Sure sems like it to me from your description.