Directionality of wire

I am a fan of Chris Sommovigo's Black Cat and Airwave interconnects. I hope he does not mind me quoting him or naming him on this subject, but Chris does not mark directionality of his IC's. I recently wrote him on the subject and he responded that absent shunting off to ground/dialectric designs, the idea of wire directionality is a complete myth. Same with resistors and fuses. My hunch is that 95% of IC "manufacturers", particularly the one man operations of under $500 IC's mark directionality because they think it lends the appearance of technical sophistication and legitimacy. But even among the "big boys", the myth gets thrown around like so much accepted common knowledge. Thoughts? Someone care to educate me on how a simple IC or PC or speaker cable or fuse without a special shunting scheme can possibly have directionality? It was this comment by Stephen Mejias (then of Audioquest and in the context of Herb Reichert's review of the AQ Niagra 1000) that prompts my question;

Thank you for the excellent question. AudioQuest provided an NRG-10 AC cable for the evaluation. Like all AudioQuest cables, our AC cables use solid conductors that are carefully controlled for low-noise directionality. We see this as a benefit for all applications -- one that becomes especially important when discussing our Niagara units. Because our AC cables use conductors that have been properly controlled for low-noise directionality, they complement the Niagara System’s patented Ground-Noise Dissipation Technology. Other AC cables would work, but may or may not allow the Niagara to reach its full potential. If you'd like more information on our use of directionality to minimize the harmful effects of high-frequency noise, please visit or the Niagara 1000's owner's manual (available on our website).

Thanks again.

Stephen Mejias



i always keep everything running one direction then if i change that wire
move it someplace else I keep same direction. On reinstalling it. But i don’t hear any differences. I just keep flow always 1way

>>>>>What does that mean, "everything running in one direction?" And when you say you don’t hear any differences what are you referring to? Did you reverse the cable when you reinstalled it? And, you say you keep the flow one way, but how do you know which way a cable goes to keep the flow in the right direction?

I have the black fuse. Im not even thinking about reversing 4

>>>>Let me get this straight. You bought $500 worth of fuses and you didn't put them in the right direction? If you happen to change your mind remember to try them one at a time.
For those that believe wire is directional (be it low-level signal IC or high-level outputs to speakers), suggest you open your amps and pre-amps, look for the arrows showing the direction within the unit that are marked by the manufacturer (note: not the + or -, red or black connect point), then insure you are installing your IC correctly.  Of course all manufacturers pay attention to these details when they design and build the signal inputs within the unit

However, having said that, you'll be reviewing schematics and making phone calls to your respective manufacturer, because you likely won't find those provided within the unit.  Those can be are trade secrets.

As for directionality in speaker IC's, remember that speaker outputs are basically AC- one would NEVER want directionality in speaker IC wiring. However, you should be using IC wiring that is broken in.  Meaning that you actually used your 14 ga. lamp wire in a actual lamp @  120V/60 Hz for a period of time, this "season's" the wire, aligns the electrons, drives out the free oxygen in the copper- try it you can hear the difference! 
There are so many things wrong with the last post I hardly know where to begin. I will say almost everything in the post involves the typical, tried-and-true non-believer arguments, what we commonly refer to as false arguments, all of which have been addressed on this thread already and shown to be false idols of the overly skeptical. I realize it’s the OPs first post. Better luck next time. Great name, though. Muzzleblast. Seems appropriate somehow.

Welcome muzzleblast!  

 As Geoff states above, a difficult first post using confusing terminology i.e. speaker IC.  IC is usually interpreted as shorthand for interconnect.  Interconnects connect one component to another either in single ended (RCA style connectors) or balanced configuration.  What leaves the amplifier and attaches to the speaker inputs are usually referred to as speaker cables.

What is your system like?
hifiman, I’m getting a bad feeling that maybe he’s pulling our leg. You know, what with the looking for arrows inside the component and trade secrets, making phone calls, driving out the free oxygen from the copper, things of that nature. Perhaps he just has a very refined sense of irony and sarcasm. 😛 My guess we just witnessed a drive by shooting. Muzzleblast. Get it? 😳