Duelund hook up wires in a Sonus Faber Cremonas speakers??

Looking to replace my wires inside the Sonus Cremona speakers.   All scanspeaks drivers.   Please advise which hook up wires will work best.  

Duelund 26awg copper
Duelund 20awg stranded copper
Duelund 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 flat silver

which will work best in this application.  If any members can help out. 
@salectric awesome system and I hear you there are tons of folks out there who never post on online forums with great ears. And just in general everyone has different systems and different ears, I am sure the Duelands are excellent cables and a great value, just a better fit for some than others.
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Agreed jond. Salectric has built a great system and I value his opinion. I value his opinion so much I am a tad confused how the Duelund wire was not at least pleasing to him. Goes back to system synergy for sure. 
Thanks guys but I am not looking for compliments.  I just wanted to provide a little balance, that's all.
@salectric understood just checked your system out and was blown away. And jealous of your Deja Vu speakers I am a customer and big fan but the speakers are to big for my budget and my room!