Which would you pick between the two DAC.

Which would you pick between these two DAC?

1. Wadia 321

2.  Ayre Codex

Thank you,

May viewpoints on the Lumin D-1 streaming dac had no intention of bring brash 
Or hold. I have heard at least 80% of the top 10 sellers and I was just voicing 
My view point with my opinion if others choose to not take my opinion serious 
They may be dismissing something thst is very special and everywhere was Very good, you buy the ad on high end performance power supply then it is in another category competing with digital several times it's cost.  At least read the reviews 
If nothing else .you have Nothing to loose and Everything to gain.

Just ran across the review below of the Exogal Comet. The reviewer compares it extensively to the Wadia 121 and 521. His description of the sound of the Comet is dead on based on my experience of ownership, only he chose not to opt for the optional Linear power supply for the review. A HUGE mistake and I can confidently say that is part of his valid criticism of lack of bass weight and power compared to the Wadia 521. Notice I said 'part of" because the Comet retains a "light" (but audibly improved) overall sonic character even with the optional power supply. All of the other outstanding sound qualities of this DAC simply make you ignore this and marvel at the music.

Real point here is that, if this reviewer nailed the sound of the Comet so well, his comments on the strengths and  weaknesses of the Wadia 121/521 and the house sound of Wadia's recent products should be equally valid for Eddy. 


Any high resolution or DSD DAC should have HDMI. Otherwise there is no way to use it with SACD/DVDA or Blu-Ray audio. The only real high resolution DAC with HDMI is from Bryston unless you want a processor.