Denafrips Terminator R2R Multibit, ultimate pcm redbook converter??

Maybe the ultimate PCM (RedBook) converter? Sure looks the goods.

Cheers George
@kalali   Thanks,  this DIY Soekris came out in 2015... this is the problem piece that all the fuss is about.  It may be good,  but I think I'd rather steer away. 
Hello folks . 
I saw Denafrips mentioned on this thread, so I figure that I would chime in. 
Prior to owning a Denafrips Ares, I owned the Schiit bifrost 4490 which was an upgrade from the first gen of bifrost. ( I did not care much for the 4490, I felt the sound clinical and boring ( digital_esque ).
 The Ares was a huge departure in sound. Immediately noticeable was the absence of digital glare and a sense of musicality. Very very good for the $. I believe the Ares operates in OS mode only . ( Pontus, Venus , and Terminator has option for NOS )
I got really curious as to what the level of Denafrips had to offer. 

Whitin a month I ordered the Pontus. 
The pontus is a very serious dac, it has the Ares had to offer, except that,the Pontus gives you more of everything. Bigger soundstage, better presence, more impact, it's easier to get lost in the music.

I even got more curious and I said what heck, if the Pontus is that good, what will the Terminator sounds like. 
Well, I got me a Terminator, and it's a solid DAC, very refined and composed. Natural sound. 
I'm glad I found Denafrips and at that price.
Solid performer. 
Here to stay for a long long time.

ps. Some say that the Terminator was favored over dac in the $10-15K range . YMMV 

Guy, great story. Unlike you, I just when right to the top and bought the Terminator blindly.  I read a bunch of reviews on the Ares which got me thinking but the hardware design is what sold me. No wires and the use of high end components.  If this DAC was made in Europe or in the US.  The labor cost alone would probably have doubled the price.  

The performance is excellent.  No digital glare, it was like a veil was lifted.  The speed, dynamics is excellent.  Instrument separation is very good, very musical and natural.  I agree with you, I'm also happy I found Denafrips.  I plan to keep this one for a very long time.  
There's also a Facebook group:
denafrips audiophile owners .
its for members and the curious with questions about Denafrips.
The distributor,Alvin Chee is also in the group. Very nice guy. Ill answer any questions you may have or help with troubleshoot.