Mark Levinson 23.5

I was at my local dealer yesterday because I am considering purchasing some cables down the line. He gave me 2 brand new sets to audition and told me since they are brand new they would sound best after the burn in of about 30 hours or so. I plugged them in to my Mark Levinson 23,5 and its been on playing all day (about 10 hours) at a normal to lower volume. My thought is, I'll just keep the system on and audition the sound periodically in between. I don't know if I've ever had my amp on this long. It seems to be getting very hot. Everything sounds absolutely fine. Does anyone know if these amps normally run hot after extended hours of play. It's not even being driven hard. I'm concerned because I just got the amp out of the shop last week after being in there 4 weeks the first time and then 9 weeks the second time. When I received it back the first time, I received it back with a noise issue. Nothing has changed impedance wise. Any thoughts out there?
Levinson would be Harmon International now and I ordered some parts for a ML 29 I used to have so I assume they are still in business?  However, a good repair shop should have no issue. Push your local shop and go from there. I feel its close to being back to normal. Great amp :)
I enjoyed an ML-29 for a number of years and kick myself to this day for parting with it.
tubegb yes its a sweet little amp and wish I could have kept it but had to use the funds to buy another amp.