New Class A/B under $6K, your recommendation?

Okay I'm tiring of my class D amps and have upgradeitis. I want to try a latest greatest Class A/B amp - I'm thinking Benchmark AHB2, or Son of Ampzilla, or?
 I can drive it with a Manley 300B pre, or a Wyred 4 Sound pre, or directly from my Benchmark DAC into big BG Radia 600 speakers that are rated up to 400 watts. They are line array types using BG planar magnetic drivers - intended for wall mounting, but after hearing them and speaking with a BG engineer, I built beautiful boxes for them according to specs and have been grinning ever since.
 I spoke with Rory from Benchmark and he suggested that 1 amp - even though rated at 100 watts per channel would suffice. I could always order a second and use them bridged and be at the upper end of my budget.
 Any thoughts on what else I should be looking at? I'm looking for: Imaging, space, neutral sound (not cold, not lush and warm) - I can color with my pre if I should so desire. Thanks for your input!!
Onkyo M-5000R.  Except for some tube exotica you will not find a better looking Amplifier.  But wait - there's more!  This baby sounds better than it looks.  I have heard one and it has power and accuracy.  Strangely it is rated at 85 Watts but seems vastly more powerful.  It was much lauded by Hi-Fi Choice magazine.
I own the AHB2, which last year replaced a Bryston B60 Integrated (circa 2012, that I liked because of its neutral sound characteristics) in my system. I use it with a pair of Joseph Audio Pulsars, and I am enjoying it very much as my go-to amp - it has no issues driving them beyond any level I'd be comfortable with, and they are rated for 325 wpc if I recall correctly. The most amazing thing I notice about the amp is the speed and detail in the low-mid range, which completely embarrassed the Bryston driving both the Pulsars and an easier-to-drive pair of PSB Imagine B's that I own.

I use an Anedio DAC2 as the source almost exclusively, but my next purchase will likely be the Benchmark DAC3. Putting any kind of pre-amp in between the two was detrimental in my experience. But the overall sound is better than anything I've.heard in its rough price range.

You will no doubt have noticed that Benchmark will let you audition the amp for 30 days. I let it break in for about 24 hours and then gave it a listen. After that, there was no question of sending it back, and the Bryston was soon listed and sold. I suspect you'll be very happy with it as well.  Good luck!
Odyssey Audio Stratos Mono Extreme - $3400/pr.  That's what I'd buy for Class A/B under $6K.