We've owned B&W speakers since late 80's

Hello everyone,  We bought B&W 802 matrix 3's and moved into surround sound.  So purchased rear 802 matrix3's and a HTM center speakers. Along with P.S.E. studio 4's until 2005, then changed over to P.S.E. studio 5's. We were pretty happy with it. The house caught fire.  In the asbestos removal they through away all the audio? Ive been looking around for a replacement system? Its like a new world out there! Any suggestions?????
Great and good luck and you could easily find yourselves getting better sound for less money than you originally would have spent.
@jond ,  great advise on working with a B&M dealer and attending the RMAF.  The operator will be able to preview audio components and speakers at a very wide price range.

@lalitk Thanks I am lucky enough to live near a great dealer myself and have come to realize had work with them years ago rather than churning through dozens of used components I would have likely saved money and had a better system sooner.
@oldtonew2112, how did you do with the insurance company and the payout on the incident? It seems like there was just a thread discussing whether we need additional coverage for media and equipment or should our general homeowners policy cover everything, especially if the system was $10,000 or less.

PS. I am really enjoying my 2 channel system featuring ProAc speakers, Audio Refinement (YBA) separates, a modified Rega RP6 turntable and custom made Mogami cables. I also use it for AV 2 channel (see system details).
Now this insurance company is the most sued company in Colorado.  American Family insurance.  The best way to cover yourself. Is unfortunately a little more.  Its like a nice kick to the growing. After getting knifed and robbed. Get a policy that covers full replacement of all your contents. Because all insurance companies evaluate all your property like driving off a dealership with a new car! And check if your house is built before they outlawed asbestos in homes??? Since water damage isn't usually covered by water damage unless it's a fire ! This is still a mess after a year. The house caught fire on July, 2016. And there still dragging their ass. Sincerely old to new 2112. The asbestos removal cost $62,000.00 and make sure the asbestos company is been in the business for at least 5 years plus. Nothing is worse then losing all of our families memorys to outright theft! But according to the insurance company only half the house was included by the insurance adjuster.  After the engineering and independent adjuster and law firm. And the permits and getting a green contractor.  Remember your house products like beds, couches, insulation wood has all kindd of poisons in them like (silver fillngs. )(Mercury)formaldehyde in all kinds of good poisons. They payed out only $104,000.00 and the rest of the insurance is payed for by the contents of your home. There's new laws on building codes.since 2012. Like hurricane codes. In Colorado? Yep ! Its a wild new world out there.  And all electronic devices are going to have be replaced.  Yes even if it was purchased yesterday.  The house before the fire was worth $320,000.00 the final replacement cost $393,000.00. The policy covers $210,000.00 structure and contents $160,000.00. So keep up with your insurance coverage.  The independent adjuster has been doing this for 35 years. And even when he talks to other insurance adjusters. They get pissed off.  Lesson learned.  Sincerely old to new 2112.