Job Integrated Amp.

Became available a few days ago. Placed my order immediately upon receiving an email from a an employee there. Now I anxiously await.
I asked about a version identifier or serial number cut-off but didn't get an answer. Drop a note to their support email and you should hear back from them, they're pretty good about answering.
@ Dogmcd
Hello, I own an "old" INTegrated. Very happy with it. I'm very interested in pictures of the inards of the new INTegrated. To see if the change of the analog input is appearend.

The inside of my INTegrated:

Although discontinued and only few remain (as of now), this, I believe is a lower watt version of the Job 225. I have been quite impressed with tonal character


Just got my INT this week. Popped the cover and it is definitely different. You'll note in your pic, the analog input cabling goes directly into the digital board near the back panel. On mine, those analog cables run all the way to the preamp board up at the front of the unit. If I get a chance, I'll take it out of the rack and try to get a pic I can share. For now, just enjoying the sound!
Greetings, please do post a pic soon. Maybe this is a change that is easy to diy...