Upgrade Quandary: Ref 75SE vs Ref 150 (non SE)

I have a ARC Ref 75 (non SE). I’m trying to decide whether to upgrade it to the 75SE through ARC or sell it here and buy an ARC 150 (non SE). For the sake of this debate, let’s assume costs are equal (I know they are not).
Here’s what I’m after
1) More control in the bass
2) More control in upper midrange (same as bass note above)
3) Not deviate too far from the other elements of sound I have.

Room: 21deep x14wide x10high
Dedicated audio

Wilson Audio Sasha (1)
Lumin T1 source
ARC Ref 3 pre
ARC Ref 75
Transparent Ultra g5 balanced ICs and speaker cables.
Bass traps in 2 front corners, 1st, 2nd reflection diffusers.

Thanks MUCH!
P.S. No I can’t audition either amp. in my system.
P.S.S. I’ve auditioned a couple solid state amps, they don’t do it for me. Much more bass (too much) and complete control was found, but they gave up too much in too many areas, like air around the instruments and voices and bloom that I love about tube power.

Ag insider logo xs@2xjo1mtb
I received the Ref 150SE, dropped it in, and was not initially blown away. 
It has ~600 original hours.  It has always been an SE.  
I let it play for about 10 hours, still wasn't taken by it. 
I put the Ref 75 (non SE) back in.  It sounded sweeter, but thin and tinny/splashy by comparison. Put the KT150s in the 75, it sounded less sweet, less splashy, but firmer bass (which can sound like less bass), also less billowing (bellows) sound.  It gave a bit more body to the Ref 75.  
I put the Ref 150 SE back in, and realized how good it actually sounded. Plus I think it hadn't been played in awhile, so I think it's still having a bit of a re-breaking/settling in.  
Short story: Ref 150SE is now beating the Ref 75 nearly across the board.
NOTE: It was critical to have isolation under the digital source to get sweetness back from the system w/ the 150SE in.  
If anyone is interested in deeper, specific, more critical analysis as I go along, I'm happy to check back in here.  
I'll likely be playing and swapping through the weekend.  

jo1mtb, it's good that you are comparing different pces in your own system for your own taste.

So many factors come into play, rest of your system components, room etc. so others will differ.

Put in a Ref6 or any other component and your comments will change again, reposition of your speakers - add room acoustic panels - doing any of these what you are currently hearing will change - it's never ending.

Your comments above referring to a 75 saying;

"I felt/and do feel that the 75 is a bit bright (like a gold gilding) on the high highs (like symbols in rock music)."   non SE version

My speakers are 107 db and if such was present would be easily heard but there are no such findings - my set-up is totally different than yours but clearly shows system dependant.  

Personally what you are describing is what I here when listening to your version of speaker - the series 2 not so which is my preference.

So many factors - for sure it's a never ending journey. Personally I would have upgraded from your Ref3 to 6, there is one currently up for sale and paired it up with the 75SE - break both in and enjoy! Work on the rest of your set-up and then get a 150SE say in years time or so to compare if you find you are still missing something.

It is definitely always changing, and you cannot really tell what one tweak in one system will result in in another system.  Things are not linear. 
More listening today.  Short story: I'll be keeping the 150SE.  
I'll be giving up the nth degree of sweetness on some recordings, for sweeping improvement across most everything - in my system.