Current speaker threads are boring

Almost no talk regarding great speakers, just some endless midlevel stuff. Why is that?
There is no need for definition, when you hear it you know it.
I like this " I am an arrogant prick " line.
Choice of speakers is very personal so the discussion would also become very personal.
Of all elements of the chain speakers are the closest to instruments and in fact are the easiest to evaluate. You don't need a lot of time to know.
As for the what'sbest forum, I don't participate there but read some from time to time. The last time I read about Echole cables.
It also appears that many people here view this forum as a free consulting service. I think, it is only part of it and not the most important part. 

Inna, you should start a Thurston Howell III audio site where rich pricks can freely discuss their wares without fear of retribution from commoners or Tekton DI owners. 

@soix , if you have that kind of scratch lying around, do yourself a favor and inquire around at the next audio show you go to. At the LA audio show they had a pair of Lumenwhite speakers that normally go for $70K and the show price for the pair was $45K. It doesn't hurt to ask. 🤔

All the best,
The high end users I know,or most of them don’t get engaged with site much...and I don’t blame them.I agree with psag.
Thank you missioncoonery for stating part of what this is all about.

The angry part of the hater which desires to project and hate, and to infect a forum... this miscreant behaviour needs to be squashed with extreme prejudice --- until the lesson is both learned and known to exist as an existential and real threat.

then a forum can slowly gain and regain a modicum of contribution (finally!) from those will not participate due to the projection of violence toward others...exhibited by miscreants and haters.

The fact of a boot on the face, forever... placed squarely and forcefully and specifically openly--- on any projecting attitude - that some given aspect of audio (the given attack dog’s target) is due to charlatans or snake oil, or other purposely used language or words to heap derision on others.

Reasonable discussions involve respect and an even attitude and do not include vicious behaviour that does whatever it can to get it’s way, or does whatever it can to sneak past decency and respect in subtleties of wording, in order to strike some sort of a blow.

that a contributors wording, thoughts and expressions have to be real, decent, respectful, and non-derogatory in full openness, with no sneak attacks in veiled wording, never-mind direct attacks to emotionally cull or damage the given others in the conversation.

That these weapons of coercion control and animal violence have to be wholly disallowed, with extreme prejudice worn openly on the given forum’s sleeves, so the extremists get the point.

Until a forum does this, in permanence... it will face a declining participation that will reduce to a zero.

That people who exist and live by violent confrontation in their wording, the undercurrent of emotions in that way in their wording... have to be eliminated from the given forum, otherwise the given forum will never right itself. It will slowly die off.

I would like to think I understand the nature of the problem and answer, as my experience of being an internet forum(ish) contributor goes back to about 1992 and even earlier, and encompasses over 35,000 pages of written communications/interactions on the internet.
@kdude66 ,

With respects, you have learned something. The man in "the know" he say so. A pair of MMG's and two DWM Panels are the bong, and are cheap to boot!
Forget get the 2nd mortgage spend $2375 and be happy, lol.......