NO Side Speakers in an atmos system?

Hey guys I hope you can answer this.
 I am looking to build a theater and have zero place to put side speakers.  I have the rears and the over heads covered plus the main front three and sub.  However my question is this, does my Pre/pro (marantz 8802a) take the signals normally sent to the side channels and send them to the back speakers if there are no side speakers?  I would hate to lose two important channels that seem more important than the rest.

Part two of this question depending on the answer from the first.

Should I use the rear speakers as side speakers?  Meaning, that I have the rear speakers hooked up to the side speaker terminals of the pre?

Thanks for your help.
I would agree, best improvement is a better blending of the surround channels into a larger sound field

Just got the new Oppo 205. (Again, I am using the analog outputs into my Denon 5803 receiver). When playing a video and I select from the on screen menu the Atmos over the 5.1 setting I do hear discreet sounds through my 7.1 speaker set up.

So, is the Atmos track being blended into the side channels?


I had a similar problem. i have a 5.1.4 all in-wall/ in-ceiling setup. 5 in-wall bed channels and 4 in-ceiling atmos speakers. My surrounds are on my back wall, my room is a rectangle. The LCR are in spec and the atmos speakers are also in spec the surrounds are not, however putting the speakers in direct line with the fronts and running audyessy everything sounds great. I have 3 B&W CWM7.3 speakers up front and 2 B&W CWM7.4 in the back for surrounds and 4 B&W CCM682 for Atmos and a Velodyne DD10sub which i am currently selling. I have my rear surround speakers in amp setup in my maranta 8802a as surrounds not surround backs.  Just to clarify you are not asking about wides are you?  Wide channels in the 8802a were eliminated with atoms and everything that would go to a wide channel is now sent to the atoms speakers