Tekton Speakers,Who owns them and what did you replace and why.

Now obviously this thread has been started for the owners of any current model of Tekton speakers and if you haven't at least heard them keep your speculation to yourself.If you have heard or owned any current model and decided they aren't for you I would like to read your opinion as well.

This thread is intended for learning and furthering the enjoyment of music playback in our homes.

I own the Double Impacts myself and I will add bits of my story as this thread progresses,most of which has been posted in other threads,I want to hear from others.

Let her ripp,


Very interesting comparison in your different speakers,I've only heard a couple models of spendors and I'm not familiar with your others but I'm glad you did find what you were looking for and I hope you get lots of enjoyment from them.

@david_ten can you provide your thoughts on the DI vs Triton 1s? I auditioned the Triton 1s a couple days ago at the dealer and was very impressed. Blue Moon by the Cowboy Junkies blew me away. I am considering one of these for my next speaker.
I owned the Triton 1 for probably 6 months. I liked them quite a bit. Good for a wide range of music. One thing is vocals on tv and movies sounded a bit off at times. Could never really pinpoint what it was. For me the DIs do everything the Triton 1s do but better including bass. Especially mid bass.

@treebeard1  I'd be happy to.... PM me so I can help you more specifically. The Ones are good speakers and all the positive owner feedback and glowing reviews are well deserved.

BTW, I also auditioned the Triton Reference recently.
@mofojo Suprised to hear the bass was better in the DI.  Don't know how Eric does that.  TV is not that important for me.  Mostly watched while exercising.

@david_ten PM coming your way.  The GE Reference is out of my quasi-approved budget authorization, but I would still be interested in how the DIs comapre.