Looking for help retubing Cary V12R mono blocks

I've been running SED C el34s in my V12's for almost 10 years ( yes, way to long, but total hours were not too crazy) and a number of the power tubes have finally given up the ghost. I would like to find a power tube that will get as close to the original SED C el34's as possible. A couple of years ago I retubed with GL KT77's, but I just never liked how they sounded in this amp. Dynamic, yes, but flat soundstage and not involving after about 100hr's burn in. When I put the SED's back in,the"music" was back. Sound stage expanded in all directions with excellent layering and a dense visceral, textured presentation.... Tight, but "wet" bass presentation and sweet mids with good transcients/transparency. Since the SED's are not an option any more, what current production tubes have you tried, compared the SED's, that might work given my prior experiences ? As I need 24 tubes, NOS are not going to be an option. How does your pick compare to the SED's? - Thanks, Jim
Mullard el34 reissues?
Tung Sol el34B's?
GL KT 66's ?

mikirob, have you compared the GL KT66's directly with the SED's? If so, what are their differences?

Sorry Jim,
I have not made that comparison. I also liked the Shuguang Black Treasure 6CA7s, but that gets expensive. Best, mikirob