Need a new amplifier. Need a good match for my Audio Research LS7 preamp

Speakers - B&W CDM-7NT

NAD CD Player

10x12 room

SS or Tube, New, or used.  Looking to tame a little top end brightness, and more clarity at higher volume.

Mostly Classic Rock, Reggae, Singer songwriter stuff, with a smattering of Jazz and Bluegrass.  Lots of ground to cover. 

Current amp was an Arcam Alpha 10 100wpc.

Looking to spend around $1500.

Saw a used Odyssey Khartago Extreme for under $1k, but don't know much about it, other than needs to be biased to your homes electric output, and had some real good reviews. Sounds a little finicky.

Appreciate your input

How's your room acoustics? Brightness at higher volume may indicate a "live" room. Even the cheap acoustic foam is better than nothing, but thicker the better, like 3 or 4 inch. I covered Roxul panels to good effect.
I agree with the amp suggestion to the extent that it won't be as shrill as the Arcam, but the better amp won't tame a shrill  speaker and room.
it is getting old and tough to find,  but a Muse One Hundred Sixty sounds like a perfect fit. 
A lively room is definitely something to be considered! The room is at least half the sound of any stereo so proper room treatment is important.
The older Classe' CA300 or CA400 had a solid, non-bright sound back when I used SS.  But the CA200 had a marginal power supply for demanding speakers. They would drive most anything and should be very cheap by now.