Comparing Classe' Audio's DR9 with Krell's ksa300s

Has anyone out there lived with both a DR9 & a Krell ksa300s?

I realize they are two different cats, the DR9 being a 100 watt Class A/B amp and the KSA300s being a 300 watt pure Class A amp. I'm using a DR9 in conjuction with Audion Premiere 2 box Silver Night pre-amp, burning 6922 Siemen tubes, to drive 946 Focal Electra speakers.

I love the sound of the DR9 ... it is such a beautiful piece (it maybe time to have the caps tested), and even in my 13x12x8 room, I don't need more D/B's, I'm after more authority, as I feel the bottom end is audible, but could use a stronger hand. - - - Not more forward, more torque

To cut to the chase, for those of you out there who have used the DR9 & the 300s, Qu #1: how would you discribe their likenesses, differences, pro's/con's, and the nuances that distingues their characters.
Qu #2: Anyone ever use the ksa300s with a tube pre-amp .... & if so what's your verdict?
I owned a DR9 at one time so I know what you are saying.  The Krell amps I have listened to have sounded forward and a bit bright, the exact opposite of the Classe'.  I don't have particular experience with the Krell amp you asked about, but I never enjoyed listening to a Krell amp.  Perhaps thats why I own a Conrad-Johnson solid state power amp.
stereo5 nailed it for Krell vs DR-9, although I find the Krell enjoyable and it will indeed give you absolute control over the woofers. I have the FPB-600c and the DR-9(s) and prefer the latter; sweeter, more delicate, lacking in nothing to my ears.

Two things re: the DR-9: 1) Make sure you are using the single ended RCA inputs and not XLR. The latter was a design afterthought on early Classe’ amps (Reich used a cheap opamp to convert to XLR) and sounds dull and closed in vs the SE inputs. 2) About one year ago, I bought three DR-9s within a week of each other. Two from one seller and one from another that had installed the Classe’ refurb kit (new main caps and different power transistors). The latter sounds much better than the other two "stock" units. Not even close. Much more open and dynamic. The "dark" sound is gone. Suggest you contact Classe’ about getting your DR-9 updated with this kit and hold off on the Krell.

Best to you thehorn. Whatever you do, DO NOT sell that DR-9.

Thx Dave, thx S5.
Any idea Dave what Classe' dings ya for the referb work?

Hope to hear from KSA300s owners as well.