Oppo UDP - 205


I just installed the 205 mod. I also added a Synergistic black fuse and a couple of the sonic tonic bottles.
I figured out the instructions so if anyone needs help let me know.


I sure will after I have some hours on it. I must say this mod includes a very large transformer, usually that translates to better sound so we shall see...

Did you "notice the improvement instantly" ???   That is what they claim.
A bigger transformer translates to bigger magnetic fields and more vibration and since the big transformer is bolted to the chassis, guess what? That’s right, worse sound! And magnetic fields are not (rpt not) exactly good for the sound, either. I'm not hot dogging you. I had the supremely modded Oppo 103 including the OPPOMOD linear power supply LPS that included, you guessed it, the honking big transformer and a whole slew of capacitors.