Bybee Audio tweeks. IQSE

Any feedback from users of his PROTON/ ELECTRON aligning pad?
POSITIVE  or Negative  gains from your hard earned$$$ spent on it?
If positive explain:
Slaw's suggestion of Maestro outlets is a good one.  I've tried many, and the Maestro is the only one that doesn't color the sound in some way or other.
Before today, I had 3 iQSEs in my system. One each inside my transport and DAC, near the power transformers, and one in my Equi=Core 300 balanced PC/conditioner. I also had a spare that I was saving to use as a demonstrator on friends’ systems.

I had read here that they are not as effective for amps as front end components, but today I decided to try it on my amp. I placed it on top of the power transformer cover, with the printed side down. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but was very pleasantly surprised at how much improvement it made over the already fantastic sound I’ve been enjoying.

IME, placing one near the power transformer of any component that has one will get good results.

good stuff!  thx for sharing.  I will probably put one in to my power amp and one in the Core 1800 that should be shipped out by Mark today.

Out of curiosity, have any of you tried the IQSE sitting on the outside of a component vs inside the component?

I was wondering if it would still be as effective but that would require a direct comparison. The company does suggest putting three of the IQSE's inside of the circuit breaker pannel, but I'm sure for liability reasons not inside of the pannel where the wires are located.
They do work on the outside, with the printed side facing inside. This is a good way to experiment with placement before opening up the component, or if you're not comfortable with putting it inside. 

Here are some good tips about use and placement: