Are you seeing more 9/10s?

In my recent round of upgrade fever I had what was for me a new experience: shameless Audiogon condition rating inflation. Maybe once as an Audiogon seller have I rated an item 9/10. But three pieces I purchased recently were rated 9/10. Two of the pieces were nearly ten years old. One seller told me in correspondence that "for its age it's a true 9/10!" 9/10 means (1) less than a year old, (2) very light use, and (3) physically indistinguishable from new. None of the three met these base requirements. I eventually purchased them because they were priced appropriately and through much private conversation I verified their true condition (7/10 and 8/10). I remember when it seemed that all sellers went to great pains to rate conservatively and fully describe flaws. It frustrates me to have to approach listings from a default of skepticism and become Mr. Buyer Detective. Is this new? Am I seeing phantoms? Overreacting?
What's up doc?  👨🏼‍⚕️ (Sorry Chuck, couldn't resist)

I think what we have here is the age of the huckster. Lying is the new norm. Facts are irrelevant as long as one thinks their opinions are just as good. Steven Colbert termed the phrase "truthiness".  If it makes you feel good, go ahead and claim it. Who's to say otherwise?

How one can look at the A'gon rating guidelines and say to themselves.
"screw it, this doesn't apply to me", is beyond me. They probably cut all manner of corners through life and for them, this is the new normal.

All the best,
This is probably a separate topic, but with only three satisfaction choices, I hate to ding sellers for things that aren't pretty significant. I think this biases everyone's ratings upward. 

The same in some discussions. If it sounds good to me or I simply want to grossly exaggerate or lie - that's what is going to be presented. On the other hand, other members maintain the integrity, this does include some dealers and manufacturers as well, so there is a hope but things are not too good right now and current tendency is downward just about everywhere I can see.