Upgrade Path - Preamp or DAC?

I need some advice on what to upgrade next - preamp or DAC. I don’t currently have a DAC. This is for my second system, which may or may not end up being my primary system. I will be streaming Tidal via Heos on both systems.

My second system is:
Rotel RC-980BX
B&K ST2140
Paradigm Monitor 9

The weak link is the pre. The Heos has analog outputs so I could use it as a DAC and send straight to my pre. The Rotel pre has all analog inputs. So I could upgrade to a pre that has a better DAC than the Heos and optical/coax inputs. Or I could keep the pre for now and get a better DAC. I am lusting after the Cambridge Audio 851D on agon right now. The third option is to just get the Heos now and see how it goes before upgrading. I really want that 851D though, but have just spent a lot on recent upgrades to system #1.


Seems we are both up early. A step at a time is prudent. If where I live I had better internet connection I also would try Tidal. 
I am going to get a new Oppo disc player and use the DAC in it for a while.

The best "bang-for-the-buck" preamp with phono stage under $1,000 is the Doge 8. I know as I had one for a number of years. I’ve since upgraded to a Don Sachs Model 1 6NS7-based preamp and a separate phono stage (Croft RIAA), but the Doge is a great preamp at that price point.

Arthur Salvatore had this to say about the Doge 8: " Considering everything (performance, build quality, flexibility, "looks" & inflation), the Doge 8 may be the best preamplifier value in the history of audio. "

It is, however, very tube dependent. With the wrong tubes, the Doge 8 is a so-so performer. With the right tubes, it is exceptional! I had great success with Psvane 12AT7-II and Shuguang custom 12AX7 LS.

Doge 8 $900: http://www.usaudiomart.com/details/649375970-doge-8-original/
(no affiliation)