Personal speaker evolution

OK, so here is a thread I haven't ever seen here: What speakers have you owned? starting with the earliest, price paid, new/used, and perhaps the models that really impressed you (for the price) in CAPS.

Rat Shack Something or others, $120, new
Fisher Something or others, $280, new
ADS L710's, $550, new
Snell A2i's, $1100, used
BEVERIDGE SYSTEM 3'S, $1000, used
Martin Logan CLS, $1400, used
MARTIN LOGAN SL3'S, $2300, used
Some Canadian brand "X" - 1982
Magnepan SMG-a - 1986
Acoustat Spectra 11 - 1989
Audio then became very low on priority list for about 10yrs
Magnepan 1.5 - 2000,still own but will sell 1 of these days
Tyler Reference Monitors - 2002
Like others I started with Fisher

Fisher system $140
Boston Acoustic A150 $550
Apogee Stage speakers $1300
Apogee Duetta Signatures $1600

And that's it. In the mid eighties while owning the Bostons I heard Apogee Scintillas and that left an indelible impression. If I find Apogee Divas at a reasonable price, I'll change, otherwise not.
If you wonder where all those old Bose speakers went well.... I got em (they are much better stacked!) In a moment...the rest of the story.

Sincerely, I remain
Handful of inexpensive generic shelf and floor-standers

First real speaker of any quality:
JBL Monitors

Bose- curved model fitted on dedicated stands
Kef 102- bought as demo. Thought they were the ultimate.
Kef 104
EHS Tenors- speaker I regret having parted with.
Watt/Puppy III for all of three days.
Avalon Ascent
Genesis II.5
Genesis 200
Aerial 6- my father became ill. I re-adressed my priorities
Aerial 7b- thought I was done
Avalon Eidelon - heard them properly set-up...I was bitten.

As second set-up Proac 1.5.

It's been an adventure...maybe the Diamonds?
To the best my flagging memory (ones I enjoyed most in CAPS):

1) Philips TT w/ detachable 2way speakers
2) Home-made, Philips drivers
3) Kef ?
4) Tdl II
6) Harbeth ?
7) Spendor III (? the 3wire ones, anyway)
8) Apogee Caliper
9) Apogee DUETTA
10)Quad 63
11)AUDIOEXKLUSIV 3A active stats
12)Audio Physics (AP) MEDEA + the above
14)AP libra

This inanely long list doesn't include speakers in transit (audioning, etc).
I'm still in quest of tonal balance & phase -- but I don't really fret: I simply CANNOT afford Albert's U1, Detlof's speaker wall, Sean's multi-amplified system, Kharmas, big Avalons, Lumenwhite (sp?), etc. So, why worry? Cheers!