Member's recommendations for tube amplification

Your thoughts on options to consider:

- I'd prefer SET (open to DHT but not a requirement).

- I'm not looking for overtly warm, romantic or lush options.

- Minimum power in the teens to twenties, 10W being the floor.

- Open to higher power push-pull amps, but let's limit ceiling to around 60W.

- Single ended is fine though having XLR inputs would be nice (doesn't have to be true balanced)

- I'm cool with single chassis or monos.

- I have preferences for tube types, but leaving it open ended to get broad recommendations.

- I'm currently running an all solid state system, though have had tube based systems built around ARC, BAT, Ayon, Melody, Pathos, etc.

- Preamp will be a Pass XP-20 or the Metrum Adagio DAC direct to the amp.

- I'd like to stay around 3K used but can push the budget to 6K new/used.

- Speaker sensitivity is 94dB and higher.

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Despite all the buzz, I have not heard the Tektons, so no idea how these amps might interact w your speakers, but I cannot say enough about the Atma and VAC Ren amps.  IME, 300b SET amps could not drive 94-95 dB speakers in my moderate sized room (18' x 14' x 8.5') w/o clipping with pretty un-demanding material (americana/singer songwriter/acoustic blues), even when the mid-low bass was handled by a separate 250 wpc ss amp.  If you listen to wide dynamic range stuff like full orchestra, you are going to run out of gas on crescendos pretty quickly.  Other advantages of those amps are variable feedback (VAC Ren) and unparalleled support from both VAC and Atma. 

I'm having really good results from Finale Audio's stuff I currently using their F-3008 SET 300b based integrated (8wch) driving 94db 6ohm nominal speakers that are a fairly easy load for tube amps. I don't think more power would significantly improve my overall sound quality. I am in a large by volume space (18ft ceilings) and get more then enough spl for my loft. They have mono  amps now on audiogon that may fill your tube needs. Finale Audio is the sister company to Triode labs based out of Toronto. all built in north America no Chinese stuff there. build quality is excellent with many options to upgrade. Good people to deal with as well.  

I don't post much here anymore but sometimes follow a thread or two. This one piqued my interest because it mentioned a couple of my favorite amps. It also piqued my interest because I think there are a few points by other posters that should be reinforced.

First, I have experience with SET amps having worked with someone for several years well known for manufacturing transformers and designing several SET amp circuits for our own manufacturing and sales. I can say from his perspective, the designs were best put to use on speakers whose efficiency was 98 dB or higher. However, we found one interesting exception to that rule. Pairing a 12 watt 300B with a pair of Fritz Carbon 7 speakers (88 dB, 6 ohm) at a very popular audio show. That matching came about by accident, as a 50 watt PP amp failed on us and while it was being repaired we played around with the 300B. We didn't go back. Anyone who heard that combination was amazed it could work. We played it as loud as we could and it continued to perform flawlessly. Sometimes you get lucky, but as Ralph pointed out, the norm will have different results.

The M-60 OTLs will drive your speakers quite well. I have used them for several years now with a variety of speakers ranging from 88 dB to 94 dB, with both smooth and somewhat bumpy impedance curves. In fact I used them with AudioKinesis Jazz Modules for a majority of that time and now with Quad ESL 57, using autoformers to better match the impedance. The autoformers add nothing to the sound in my opinion.

Bill's (grannyring) suggestion of the Music Reference RM-10 is spot on. This amp has balls and puts out 35 watts per channel (double what most EL-84 designs can muster). I have owned mine for 12 years now and used it on many speakers. It just recently powered speakers I am playing around with that go down to a 2 ohm load in the 15 - 20k range. No problem whatsoever. It works great on the ESL-57s as well.

One thing I've learned over the years is there are other factors that can determine how an amp matches up with speakers. I believe Ralph mentioned the size of the listening room and how loud you like to listen.  Another is damping factor, or the amps ability to control the woofer. Lately a question I've been asking speaker manufacturers is what amps did you use to test your speakers. Generally that will give you a good idea of the damping requirements. Some speakers were designed with solid state in mind, others tube amps. You can learn a lot talking to the speaker designer.

I suppose you should take what I say with a grain of salt:

1. Jack Elliano is my business partner.

2. I am an Atma-Sphere dealer.

3. I work with Roger Modjeski

If you'd like to go with a SET amplifier with some power, then the 805 based amps should be high on your list.  The Cary gets lots of praise though I haven't heard it.  I do own the JAS Array 2.1 which has a built-in passive line stage than can be bypassed.  I usually run the amp directly with a Consonance Droplet 5.0 and am quite pleased with the transparency and detail.  It's certainly not a warm or lush sound but it has a directness, a palpability that makes most other amps seem opaque and under-involving in comparison.  It also uses a pair of 300B so they are in there affecting the sound as well.  JAS also makes a pair of monoblocks using 805s with 2a3s.  And Antique Sound Lab has the Explorer 805 which Stereophile reviewed some years ago.  The Psvane 805 are pretty good and affordable at about $250/pr and a big step up from the stock Shuguangs but are bettered a bit by the vintage RCA/GE 805s.  Be aware though that 805 tubes get very hot and would be dangerous to kids and/or pets.  Best of luck with your choice!
David, please let us know how the Volti speaker compared to the DI.  Which one would be your keeper if only one could be kept? I assume the DI, since you did not purchase the Volti?