Member's recommendations for tube amplification

Your thoughts on options to consider:

- I'd prefer SET (open to DHT but not a requirement).

- I'm not looking for overtly warm, romantic or lush options.

- Minimum power in the teens to twenties, 10W being the floor.

- Open to higher power push-pull amps, but let's limit ceiling to around 60W.

- Single ended is fine though having XLR inputs would be nice (doesn't have to be true balanced)

- I'm cool with single chassis or monos.

- I have preferences for tube types, but leaving it open ended to get broad recommendations.

- I'm currently running an all solid state system, though have had tube based systems built around ARC, BAT, Ayon, Melody, Pathos, etc.

- Preamp will be a Pass XP-20 or the Metrum Adagio DAC direct to the amp.

- I'd like to stay around 3K used but can push the budget to 6K new/used.

- Speaker sensitivity is 94dB and higher.

Ag insider logo xs@2xdavid_ten
You’ve received some terrific suggestions and replies. In my humble opinion I don’t believe you’ll find one "best" amplifier choice. Some of the amplifiers mentioned I’ve had the pleasure of actually hearing.
VAC Renaissance 300b push pull
Jack Elliano Electra 300b SET
Atma-Sphere MA -1 and M-60

Any of these (and others) would sound excellent with your Double Impacts. I can’t think of a reason why they would not. Each will bring their individual beauty to your system. Really impossible to say that these or my Frankenstein is "the right choice ". You simply have numerous superb options, that’s good 😊.

You got me thinking Ralph, so I wanted to check the output of my Coincident amps with my 97db, 4-6 ohm Omegas.  This is a very crude test since I don't have any engineering test equipment other than a multimeter, so some assumptions had to be made, but here is my summary:
- I played a 1Khz test tone (sinewave) at 90db in my listening spot (damn that was ear piercing, so I put some plugs in my ears, lol)
- My meter read 2.26 Vrms at the speaker terminals
- My calcs show that I was using between .85 and 1.3w to output the 1kHz wave, which places my amp's power output (out of 8wpc) usage somewhere in the 11% to 16% range, which is inline (actually less) than your 20% spec for SET amps.

Does this hold water and put me in the ballpark, or did I miscalc somewhere? What am I missing?

Obviously real world audio is way different from a simple sinewave, but then, I don't listen at a steady 90db either, and I do filter off the low bass from my amp/speakers, which helps immensely.

All in all, these amps really work wonders in my situation.

^^ a 1KHz tone really isn't anything like an actual musical signal, which is a bit harder to reproduce, but the sound pressure meter isn't going to care about that.

The speaker is measured in sensitivity, not efficiency, so to correct for that your actual efficiency is more like 94 db. I'm sure your use of the subwoofer is helping a lot!

I often listen at higher levels (95-100db), but the trick is that at those levels the system does not sound loud. My speakers are 98db 1 watt/1 meter and they are 16 ohms at the same time Classic Audio Loudspeakers model T-3). Plus I am usually using amps with 60 watts output and at that power the distortion is quite a bit lower (about 0.5% THD at full power despite no feedback). So the result is less loudness cues generated by the system, which allows for higher volume levels without it sounding loud. Instead it sounds relaxed and effortless.
^^ a 1KHz tone really isn't anything like an actual musical signal, which is a bit harder to reproduce, but the sound pressure meter isn't going to care about that.

The speaker is measured in sensitivity, not efficiency, so to correct for that your actual efficiency is more like 94 db. I'm sure your use of the subwoofer is helping a lot!

I often listen at higher levels (95-100db), but the trick is that at those levels the system does not sound loud. My speakers are 98db 1 watt/1 meter and they are 16 ohms at the same time Classic Audio Loudspeakers model T-3). Plus I am usually using amps with 60 watts output and at that power the distortion is quite a bit lower (about 0.5% THD at full power despite no feedback). So the result is less loudness cues generated by the system, which allows for higher volume levels without it sounding loud. Instead it sounds relaxed and effortless.
However, we found one interesting exception to that rule. Pairing a 12 watt 300B with a pair of Fritz Carbon 7 speakers (88 dB, 6 ohm) at a very popular audio show.

I believe @glennewdick  is reporting the same with his Finale amp.

I'm bringing this up because @teajay Terry London has brought up how a 1W output from the LTA MZ2S pre/amp was able to drive the Tekton Double Impact. His favorite combination is the LTA MZ2S as pre and a Triode Lab 2A3 (3.5W) for power amp. He finds that's all he needs to drive the speakers effectively and is loving this pairing/system.

Do you and others have thoughts about and an explanation for this? Thanks.