Best Tube/SS Amps for Harbeth 7ES-3

Hi, I just bought a pair of Harbeth Compact 7ES-3 - beautiful sounded speakers. Very natural and musical.

Now I need to get an integrated or Pre/Power combo to drive it. Budget is about $3-4K new or used. I read the 7ES-3 is easy to drive. Which amp works better with the 7ES - Tube or SS?

What amps do you use for your Harbeth 7ES? How much power output do I need to drive the 7ES to its full potential?

Would a 20 watt per channel tube amp drive the Harbeth?

Now that I've settled on the speakers, I can focus on getting the amps :)

So far I'm loving my new C7's.  I gotta say even with my 20 year old amp b & K 7250 and preamp ref 30 they sound excellent.  I've been playing so much music it's crazy.  Overall I still want upgrade my amp and pre though.  A friend of mine is gonna bring down his mc2125 amp this weekend. Just to get the Mac sound vibe in my place. I might also audition the Cary integrated or rogue sphinx too.  I love to try the Rossi, but the way I'd want the lio will definitely cost more than I intend to spend.    
@biscorbit - When I was considering the SHL5+ my dealer suggested Belles Aria as amp option as well.   Never heard the combo, but apparently they sound great with Harbeths.  I definitely would also recommend also auditioning a Hegel and the Rogue Cronus Magnum II.  CM2 is more expensive then the Sphinx but well worth the upgrade if you ask. 
OT - I’m sorry for hijacking your thread, but I’m in the same boat but thinking about 30.1 or SHL5+. And can’t help wondering how a class A or SET amp would sound to these speakers. Loves a warm, detailed sound.

I have a few amp on my list:
Line Magnetic 518, Leben 300/600, Rogue Cronus,Vinnie Rossi LIO, also been recommended Croft integrated-r and LFD.

Im looking for comparisons between these, everything is appreciated!