Mono recordings

What's the attraction of mono recordings? I have a couple CDs (Pet Sounds  and Cream e.g.) that contain both stereo and mono tracks and a couple mono lps (using a stereo cartridge). I always prefer the stereo cut. What am I missing?
One of the main things that I aspire to in this hobby, besides loving the music, is to attempt to reproduce it as it was recorded. IMO, that's the best we can do regardless of the format, or the care or knowledge of the engineers. It is what it is. So, if you love the music and it's only in mono, what's our job? Sure, you can stay away from mono recordings, but you may be missing out.

As mentioned above, much music is only recorded in mono, and a couple of years ago I wound up with my accountant's vinyl collection, mostly mono. I'm getting close to finishing off my final system except for tweaking, because I'm getting up there in age and it's time to unwind.

My plans are to cap off my system by adding a second arm with a mono cartridge. When I upgrade my phono stage, I'll also be adding a true mono circuit. I'm doing this, because it's important to me.
Very nice.
Your upgrade path, 2nd arm and mono cartridge and a phono stage with a mono circuit, really gets to the root of my original question. After the upgrade, how will the SQ or listening experience compare  to playing one of your mono lps on my VPI Classic 3/Soundsmith Zephyr MkII?  Wish I could hear a mono lp on your system both before and after the upgrade. Enjoy the music!
If the original is mono then it is what the artist and producer made at that time. You are hearing the music as others first heard it 50 years ago. For example, a lot of Beatles was only Mono until they went back and remixed several years after.

Like a neutral audio setup vs a euphonic one - some are not interested in accuracy or originality of the recording but others want to hear the music as faithfully as it appeared on the first recording issued.
Lots of great responses rockyboy. The only way you'll ever know is to someday try it for yourself. It will be a point of finances in the end as to if you're willing to spend the money necessary to go this route over improving what you already have or buying more music.
I'm retired and must prioritize my purchases very carefully. Right now in my life, mono capability is not something I lust after.  But I knew there were audiophiles out there who cherished their mono recordings and I wondered why. Now I know. Upgrading my DAC is at the top of my priority list. Upgrading my Soundsmith Zephyr  is probably next. And losing 30lbs is third.