Member's recommendations for tube amplification

Your thoughts on options to consider:

- I'd prefer SET (open to DHT but not a requirement).

- I'm not looking for overtly warm, romantic or lush options.

- Minimum power in the teens to twenties, 10W being the floor.

- Open to higher power push-pull amps, but let's limit ceiling to around 60W.

- Single ended is fine though having XLR inputs would be nice (doesn't have to be true balanced)

- I'm cool with single chassis or monos.

- I have preferences for tube types, but leaving it open ended to get broad recommendations.

- I'm currently running an all solid state system, though have had tube based systems built around ARC, BAT, Ayon, Melody, Pathos, etc.

- Preamp will be a Pass XP-20 or the Metrum Adagio DAC direct to the amp.

- I'd like to stay around 3K used but can push the budget to 6K new/used.

- Speaker sensitivity is 94dB and higher.

Ag insider logo xs@2xdavid_ten
I have seen your post on the TeKton DIfforum... last Sunday the Atlanta Audio Club had a pair of Tekton DI's  for the club members to see and here .  They were driven by an all K and K Audio  electronics.  Line stage, phone stage and pair of monoblocts. (KT 120's) .  The combination was praised over and over again by appprox 35 members. The monoblocks are  very affordable also.  Check out K & K Audio or better yet give Kevin Carter there a call.  ( No I do not work there or have any thing to gain. 
You should audition conrad-johnson tube amps.  I've used various models for 30 years and all were excellent.  Enjoy the quest and the music.
@jond   thanks for bringing Deja Vu Audio to my attention. 

@djfst  @willgolf and @cougarbradley Thanks for your tips on Viva, Raven and K&K.

@jb505  Another vote for Quicksilver! Thanks.

Appreciate the recommendations. The list is getting quite robust. I'll add these to the Sheet matrix. 
@sbayne @seikosha @mac48025 and @kdude66  Thanks for your recommendations from another thread.