Vibration Issues / Turntable Decisions

Currently have a Thorens TB-150 which is upgraded to about the fullest extent (Cardas Wiring, New Walnut Plinth, MusicHall Cruise Control 2.0, Rega RB220 Arm, Ortofon 2M Bronze). With that being said, my table is plagued with skips if you all but tip-toe in the room. One of those things that just gets on my nerves. So I have been looking around for a mass-loaded TT.

Is changing to a ClearAudio Performance or MusicHall 9.3 really going to make a different in the skipping?
Any feedback on the Goldring Eroica LX Cart?
Are there any tables to be looking at?


Secure your supporting table to the wall behind using a turnbuckle, a piece of wood of appropriate size, etc. This has cured many of these kinds of problems.  When this is corrected your next step would be an Ortofon Black.
Here is my setup. As you can see the wall-self would look quite odd. I will try securing the cabinet to the back wall, good idea! The TD-150 does go nicely with the Decware equipment, I would like to keep it.
Out of curiosity, would there be any benefit to moving to an MC cart or is a 2M Black going to be a great spot to hover around? The MMF 9.3 came with the Eroica LX MC, which was appealing, but of course that also implies a $500-1200 Step-Up Transformer pushing the total upgrade cost a bit up there.
What are those unusual speakers?They look really good.Good luck with your vibration issue.

@roxy54  Thanks! They are Decware HR-1 radials, absolutely amazing! I'll try some bracing this weekend and report back on my status.
@hifiron - A few of different approaches....

1. stiffen the floor - probbly the easiest and most effective

You mentioned the room is over a crawl space
- go under the floor and screw a few 2 x 6’s under the unit (overlapping it by a couple of joists
- simply place the 2 x 6 flat against the joist and put a couple of 3" screws into every joist it crosses
- you will be very surprised at how much difference it will make

2. Magnetic Isolation

3. There are a variety of Herbies isolation devices that might work

4. Employ a cushion isolation device under the TT.

They can be purchased online

OR are simple to DIY...
- Build a box similar in size to TT base about 1.5 inches high
- place a bicycle inner tube insude
- place a piece of MDF on the inner tube (cut to about 1/4" smaller than the inside dimension of the box
- place a piece of granite on top of the MDF

The granite will stabilize the TT
- the inner tube will absorb the vibration from the floor and will not move the granite
- Drawback: you have to pump it up now and again

You could probably use the Herbies Medicine Ball in place of the inner tube - no drawback!

You really need to address the root cause - buying a different TT or cartridge will not do the trick

Hope that helps