Vibration Issues / Turntable Decisions

Currently have a Thorens TB-150 which is upgraded to about the fullest extent (Cardas Wiring, New Walnut Plinth, MusicHall Cruise Control 2.0, Rega RB220 Arm, Ortofon 2M Bronze). With that being said, my table is plagued with skips if you all but tip-toe in the room. One of those things that just gets on my nerves. So I have been looking around for a mass-loaded TT.

Is changing to a ClearAudio Performance or MusicHall 9.3 really going to make a different in the skipping?
Any feedback on the Goldring Eroica LX Cart?
Are there any tables to be looking at?


I agree with Willy, support the floor from underneath first . That is your problem. Stop the amount of deflection there . Except I would support it across the width just in front of where the equipment is and support that on either end right to ground . I’m betting when no one walks on the floor and your in your seat listening your happy with playback so it isn't your table and wall mounts are not always the ideal solution. If the floor has that much deflection and the wall isn't an outside wall without a door in it chances are with a floor that bouncy it will only reduce , not remove the problem completely. 
Hello Ron,

A few questions on the rack build since that is the obvious issue causing the footfall.

How is the rack touching the flooring and are there any types of footers between the frame bottom and floor?

Is the rack inside the framework hollow or is there any type of bracing?

Is the frame 'X' braced? 

Based on these answers, there could be a solution that will also improve performance of the system entirety.

Star Sound

Ditch the stand. Stands and racks are bad news.

You know Geoff, I don't mean to be unkind, but I realize now that you are one of those people (there are others) whose job it is to take a position whether it makes sense or not. I guess I would call it being contrary.

You of all people, who espouses and even sells different gadgets for isolating/decoupling now makes a blanket comment that stands and racks are bad news. I think that most people who have used one have heard their benefits. I suppose you just enjoy arguing about nonsense.