I Find Primalunas Ugly. How about You? Is there an alternative?

The curved cage on Primaluna amplifiers is extremely ugly. Their shiny cases do not help. Visually, they are worse than forgettable. I like the look of Line Magnetic amps, but they sound terrible. Is there a decent alternative?
I think this is really a pretty unfair assessment. PL equipment is subtle at worst.

Maybe instead of making this thread about something you hate, you could try focusing on something you like. What is it about tube amps you like, what speakers are you going to drive, and what is your price range.

It is still easier on Audiogon to attract participation with passion rather than fury.



Erik, thank you for your response. Does subtlety befit tube amplifiers? The best ones (Western Electric) were unabashedly industrial.


I'm not going to go there with you. Good luck finding something you like.


I love all of the equipment that a German company makes called AudioValve.
Amazing sound, tight bass and auto bias system and I have four different models. There's a new USA distributer and he advertises them on Audiogon.
I don't know what their audition policy is but I would strongly recommend them! 
If you like them I know the owner of the Company very well and I could probably get them for you